Friday, February 5, 2016

Dear Middle School Self

Dear middle school self,
 Right now I am working with the Aero Studies. I am working on interior designing the kitchen, and it is a huge success. I am also working with the famous architect, Thomas O Brien!! I hope you are doiing well i guess...


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

If you can end any one problem in the world, what would it be?

I would end financial problems..
Everything in California is raising its price and its getting harder for everyone to live in a home with a roof. If the problem keeps continuing most people are going to have nothing to eat or have anywhere to live; just on the streets. Most of the rent bills, gas money, and food has raised their price. If most of the water and gas had came to California we wouldnt have gas and water trouble. This problem is important to me because I sometimes see my mom struggling to pay the bills and get gas for the car.

Some solutions to this are to get more resources from other states. Other states such as Texas or New Mexico has a lot of oil/gas so their gas price is way cheaper than ours. For water, if people can stop throwing trash and help keep the ocean clean, we could have clean water everywhere. For homes, (this might sound selfish but) I ,respectfully, wish people move to other places so that land wont be hard to buy.