Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Most Important person in Life/Role Model

My role model is my Mom because she is always responsible for her own work and she tries the best to make other people happy. She also tries to help other people out when they are having problems with other stuff. She is important to me because she is my mom and of course I love her. Who doesnt love their parents? I would like to tell her thank you for everything and i love you.

Dear Alien, Let Me Tell You About Earth...

Hi Alien,
My name is Haeun and let me tell you a little something about earth. First of all, 70% of Earth is water.. Can you believe that?? There are many places in Earth I have not been to, but where I live has a lot of building. Its called a city. There are many people in this city that go to work/school.

The environment has not a lot of trees. There are some trees on the sidewalk but sometimes people just cut them down because the are annoying. Oh and I forgot to tell you, there are signs to know which street you are in. (For example Wilshire and Western is a street).

                                                                                                               From, Haeun
P.S I really think you should visit Earth.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Dream Job

I want to be an architect, more specifically an interior designer. I want to be an interior designer because you get to do a lot of work in the computer and you get to design homes just the way your customer wants.

-What kind of job is it?
The job is about designing whatever your customer wants.

-Where would you be working?
At an office.

-Why would you like to do this job?
I would like to do this job because like I said at the top, you get to design

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Goal for Technology

1. What is your goal for technology this semester (academic or personal)? Personal

2. Why did you choose that goal? My cousin inspired me.

3. How will achieving this goal help you in your academic or personal success? I get know more about the laptop.

4. What measurable steps will you take to achieve your goal? I will first research about it. Then, I will ask my cousin for help if i need to.

5. How will you stay accountable to your goal? How will you make sure you are reaching your goal? I will make sure i am reaching this goal by changing the laptop´s mouse pad.

6. What will be the most challenging part of working towards this goal? Getting to take the parts apart.